Adequacy of Technology Education Programme in Nigerian Universities in Compliance with the Benchmark for Academic Standards (BMAS)
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Published: 9 January 2017 | Article Type :Abstract
The study was carried out to assess the adequacy of technology education programme in Nigerian Universities in compliance with the Benchmark for Academic Standards (BMAS). Two research questions were developed to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was used and the Academic Brief of the sampled universities was the instruments used for data collection. Both the multi-stage and Purposive sampling techniques were adopted for the study resulting to a sample size of three study universities. Frequency count and Simple Percentage were used to answer the research questions. The findings of this research showed that (i) there are differences in the time duration for degree programmes in technology education in Nigerian universities. (ii) There are differences in the degree nomenclature depending on the stress of each programme towards professional technology education courses, basic science and mathematics, fields of specializations, and pedagogical studies. (iii) The degree awarded range from B.Sc (Ed), B.Tech, B.Tech (Ed.). Based on these findings the researcher recommends among others, that (i) the duration of the programme should be made uniform across all the universities. (ii) More professional technology education courses such as emergent problems in technology education, course construction e.t.c. should be integrated into the curriculum to provide a balance with the other employability skills clusters.

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How to Cite
M. A. Auta. (2017-01-09). "Adequacy of Technology Education Programme in Nigerian Universities in Compliance with the Benchmark for Academic Standards (BMAS)." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-5